For years we've been dreaming about having space, and homesteading, and getting these sweet kids out into the country. As a kid I dreamt of a big white farmhouse, rows of orchards, sheep & homemade aprons...but it always seemed so far away, and that it may very well always just be a dream. We waited and prayed, and waited, and waited some more, for a fixer upper that would be our forever home. A home with tons of potential, but one that needed work, that we could make ours. This house picked us...and it's home forever as far as we can tell. It needs LOTS of love, and we have vision and lots of hands to make it what it can be. We are beyond blessed to have the opportunity to steward this fixer upper into the eden of peace we know it can be...This is our promised land, and well worth all the wait & struggle it took to get here. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life…
God is good and He keeps His promises, even when it's really hard and it doesn't feel like it. Even when there's death + loss + pruning + you think you can't take it anymore...He's good. That's just the truth. I've read before about the law of the double dream. The double part meaning it's Gods idea and He will accomplish it. As in Joseph dreaming the 2 different dreams with the same meaning in the same night. It's hard to see, but there is a double rainbow in 2 of these photos...what that did to my heart. The double rainbow. His covenant promise, that was His idea, that He will accomplish. What more can I ask for when it feels big, and hard, and too much, and impossible...for Him to remind me that He sees me...He sees us...a big double double of light He created, over our house and land, reminding me of the truth. That He's good, that this is His plan, this is His gift, and that He will accomplish it. That He's got it and we're ok...more than ok. We're SO loved...even when it feels really far away...and really big and really hard...